Tag: Anonymous

Dear Jane, Your tumblr blog keephimcaged is fantastic. I have learned a lot and borrowed a number of great ideas from your posts. As with a lot of us on Tumblr, I am not looking forward to the Dec. 17th changes. Do you have another blog or an alternative? Cheers

Thanks for ALL the lovely comments about this everyone. Sorry for the slow reply, busy with real life! What a shame this is, it seems like they are taking the lazy, easy way out and closing down what can be a wonderful, positive, and sexy community. However, as far as I can see it’s not…

If I could follow one blog on tumblr yours would be it. If I would let one faceless and fictionalized blog-mistress cage me it would be you. Practical, smart, sexy, mean and sweet! Please keep at it. Who knows maybe you’ll become famous and your ideas will seep indirectly into my wife’s world….In the meantime I’ll check you first. D

Well thank you, I think. I’m not sure what a fictionalised blog mistress means but I’ll take it as a compliment… The idea of the stuff I’m writing at the moment is to give something really low key that you could maybe try to introduce to your wife I hope. It seems like that’s one…

Huge fan! Definitely got us into enjoying October in a different way. Just wondering what you guys do on period week?

Thanks so much! Well, originally when I was the one being denied, hubby used it as an excuse to go ‘anal only’ which drove me crazy and… yeah I kind of loved – trust me I was as surprised as anyone. Nowadays when it’s me getting the lion’s share of the orgasms I tend to use…

Hi Jane, love the blog, but wanted your advice. Last year my husband and I had such fun with Locktober but this year he’s been very busy with work and it just hasn’t happened to my disappointment. I feel a bit down about it, which is such a contrast to before. What do you think I should do? T xx

Hi T, thanks for the message. Look, I don’t want to be rude, but this isn’t brain science (or maybe it is, it works so well!). You have everything you need to fix this. It’d be lovely if it all came from him and none of it fell on us, but honestly, when has that…

Where did you find the first image of your header? I’ve been looking for the second and fourth cage models for months! Great blog btw

Thanks! They’re all available from Lovehoney – the second one is just the standard sized CB-6000 model and the last one is called The Curve I think, it’s for biiiig cocks as far as I can see. Lovehoney Cock Cages While you can get these cheaper as chinese knock offs we do highly recommend Lovehoney…

Hey Jane! I love your blog – my bf and I have been playing for only a few weeks, but it’s been good so far and your blog has given me helpful advice, so thanks! :) One issue I have is that his padlock always pokes me in uncomfortable ways when I’m cuddling with him, I think it’s because the corners are really sharp. Do you have advice or tips? My email address is mshieldsnyc [at] gmail btw, since I don’t have a tumblr account myself. Anyways, thanks for your blog – both of us enjoy reading it!