Tag: cunnilingus


Brunch – a photo study to kick off April. 

As he licked her to another orgasm he remembered how good it had felt to push his cock in here, to fuck her. And then he remembered how selfish he’d been, just cumming, leaving her messy, and frustrated.

The tight metal cage around his cock was the result. It was so much better now.

Hi Jane, both my newly caged man and I are big fans. I just wanted to ask if you had any tips about facesitting? Peace, Daisy

Hi Jane, both my newly caged man and I are big fans. I just wanted to ask if you had any tips about facesitting? Peace, Daisy

Hi Daisy! Well for us the main issue is me being confident up there. Unlike lots of the pictures on Tumblr I’m not a skinny 20 something any more. So the biggest tip was getting hubby blindfolded! It might seem a bit extreme but it completely negates any worries about it, and combined with a…

My wife isn’t as into chastity play as I am. Any idea how to build her interest more and have her enjoy it as much as me?

Get really good at oral sex! http://edging.space/post/157590444398/how-to-give-cunnilingus-like-a-superstar And make sure you are going down on her, A LOT, and tie that into how horny being caged makes you. Also when you’re down there, get her reading stuff like my blog so she sees how fun it can be and associates the amazing feelings you give…


I wonder sometimes… what it would be like to experience this. I mean, not just the token effort to get me ready for the main event, but rather what it might be like to *be* the main event. Not simply a few strokes and then furious clit flicking, but long sensuous licks as if the taste of me is something so exquisite he wants to go slow to savor each drop. Not the recipient of what he’s learned from porn, but what it might be like to be gifted with efforts born of attentiveness to my responses. Not feeling awkward like it’s something he feels he has to do, but to hear him say he craves knowing what I taste like.. or oh… being tied, spread wide and feeling the heat of his tongue trail up my thigh, tease along my slick folds, push up through from my hole to the clit that is standing proud and swollen, just begging for contact. Not feeling his frustration that I haven’t cum yet, but being able to stop thinking or trying and just enjoy his talented mouth on my most intimate of places. I wonder what it might be like to receive feeling secure that he wants to be right there as much as I wish him to be. You know? ~dd

Send him this and you’ll find out:


Oh and if he doesn’t get it right, try his cock in a cage until he does…