Tag: curiosofflr

Just read about you giving some thought to having you hubby pierced. That like hurts really bad don’t it?? Don’t know why people inflict pain on there spouse. It’s like domestic violence. Isn’t it??

OH it’s you again. No, from what I read it doesn’t hurt really bad, it’s a little painful and bleeds a bit. Try giving birth to a baby before you ask more stupid questions about inflicting pain on our spouses. I bet you don’t whine about that.

Hello again sorry to be a bother. You and you hubby are just into the Chastity play, correct? Not the whole dominant / submissive thing? Please correct if I’m wrong. Thank you again.

Mostly, yes. I’m actually the natural submissive! We’ve enjoyed exploring all kinds of dynamic all the years we’ve been together, and hubby’s the naturally dominant one. But we’ve always been pretty switchy and never cared too much for fitting in particular BDSM ‘box’. Me being submissive was a good way to start though as I had…

Hello. Question What is the difference between Chastity And a sexless relationship. You husband is in chastity. Me and my wife have a sexless marriage. Reason for us is mostly health related. My wife has mobility issues and nerve damage pain Myself anxiety, OCD and low testosterone no libido. Thank you

Well it’s anything but sexless, we tend to have MORE sex than we did before discovering all this, but a lot of the time now he doesn’t get an orgasm as part of that. Most often I’ll edge him but not let him cum, other times he stays caged up and just goes down on…

Currently not in any chastity device. Been researching. About ready to have the “the talk” with the wife. What is better easier for getting on off Plastic or metal? Is there a beginner? How do you determine size? Where can they be purchased?  Thank you

Currently not in any chastity device. Been researching. About ready to have the “the talk” with the wife. What is better easier for getting on off Plastic or metal? Is there a beginner? How do you determine size? Where can they be purchased? Thank you

Metal is easier to get on and off but that’s because the size is fixed, which is why you should start with the plastic  CB-6000 which has 25 different sizing combinations included (you’ll want things smaller as you get used to it too so really, start there. Also the plastic ones are less threatening to ‘the…