Thank you for your wonderful blog, we’ve begun exploring this as a couple and just as you say it’s brought back intimacy and sexyiness to our marriage that neither of us can believe, I just wish we’d heard about it before, but thank you so much. We have got the plastic cage you recommend and updated to one of the metal ones, which we LOVE. I wanted to get him something else as a surprise for Christmas, what do you suggest? And any other Christmas ideas? A very happy wife :)

Thank you for your wonderful blog, we’ve begun exploring this as a couple and just as you say it’s brought back intimacy and sexyiness to our marriage that neither of us can believe, I just wish we’d heard about it before, but thank you so much. We have got the plastic cage you recommend and updated to one of the metal ones, which we LOVE. I wanted to get him something else as a surprise for Christmas, what do you suggest? And any other Christmas ideas? A very happy wife :)

Thank you for your wonderful blog, we’ve begun exploring this as a couple and just as you say it’s brought back intimacy and sexyiness to our marriage that neither of us can believe, I just wish we’d heard about it before, but thank you so much. We have got the plastic cage you recommend and updated to one of the metal ones, which we LOVE. I wanted to get him something else as a surprise for Christmas, what do you suggest? And any other Christmas ideas? A very happy wife :)

Hiya, thank you so much for that lovely feedback! It’s just what we love to hear and makes the whole blog worthwhile xxx

Okay, so gosh, you didn’t tell me what other toys you have, but they always make great pressies. I’ll assume  you have a vibe and other basic toys. But here are some extras I’d put at the top of the list:

Restraints – yes you can use silk scarves or whatever but some good under the bed restraints just make restraining him (or me!) super quick and can be done in seconds. 

We use them two or three times a week just because they are there and it’s so easy, and it always adds that little extra to our play.

Butt Plugs – butt plugs take chastity to the next level. They are like the catalyst of horniness! Especially when I’m keeping hubby locked up for longer, so all week at the moment for example, I like to vary it by sending him ‘I want you plugged today’ and omg by that evening he’ll have such full balls and his cock will be positively leaking. It’s so great!

The ones we like best are the Roll Play plug that have a little ball inside that rolls around (silently) so even though they are very comfy, every time you move it reminds you they are there.

Strap on harness and dildo – Finally there’s the big daddy of toys for chastity, the strap on! Usable two ways, him on you or you on him, it’s the most amazing addition. You can read all about just why I love our strap on here.

If you want to give him a Christmas Day he’ll NEVER forget, get the kids tucked in bed, dress up cute, and then put on a strap on and slip into bed. Then message him to say you’ve got one last present for him. You don’t have to do much with it, just revealing you’re wearing it will blow his mind. And then read up on ideas of what to do with it and enjoy!

As for other ideas for Christmas… love cheques are always fun! You can just make them yourself, try to stretch yourself, put a few things your partner really wants but you don’t do much. I’ll see if I can come up with some chastity related ideas people could use!

Oh and if you buy your pressies from Lovehoney then there’s this 20% discount you can get by putting in your email on this page.

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