Locktober 2017 – Day 17

Locktober 2016 – Day 17

Locktober 2017 – Day 17

Toy time

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Pampering, teasing and then ideally some of you managed to make them cum in their cages! If you haven’t checked in on how horny that’s left them, it’s definitely worth a text. ‘How horny are you now baby? You realise this means I don’t ever have to take you out?’ LOL

Okay, so firstly, if you did make them cum in their cage, and left them in… well you may want to take them out. Then again, you may not! It’s totally up to you at this point. If you’ve been doing even half of the stuff so far you’ll be starting to get an idea of what excites you most, so just trust your instinct and decide if you prefer to leave them locked up or get them out to play with them tonight.

All of this chastity journey started with hubby and I looking at sex toys together last year, and him suggesting it might be fun to try a cock cage. So, we love sex toys.

We’ve had then in various forms from before we were married. He bought me my first vibrator as a birthday present (I know, what a romantic!), and well we’ve built up quite the collection!

Tonight there are three things we’re going to do, not all of them might apply.

Firstly, I’m going to encourage you to go through  your toy, if you have some. Have a look at what you have and maybe pick out some you haven’t used for a while to try out!

Secondly I’d like you to do what we do, browse some sex toys online and see if there’s anything you should be getting.

Lastly I’ll give you some specific heads up on toys you might want to get for chastity play, for Locktober and beyond.

Mostly when we recommend toys we also add a link to Lovehoney (except some cages which we like but they don’t sell). We do benefit from an affiliate link with them but we’d recommend them regardless. They’re they only toy store we’ve ever used I think, apart from maybe some random Anne Summers purchases!

The main reason we recommend them is the amazing fact that they offer free returns, no questions asked, for a whole year after you buy from them! For us that’s a great thing as it means we can recommend stuff and if you don’t like it, well, no problem, just send it back! But also it means you can try things if you’re not sure about it, and just return it, used, yes used! To them if you don’t like it. They even include the returns label in the box!

Also,everything is very discreet, the packaging is plain, the credit card bill is just LH Trading or something like that, and while you can deal with them online, actually their customer service team are SO lovely.

Anyway, back to the plan!

Something Old

So have a look through your toys, relive some memories, and take some time to have some fun. It may be some new ones you want to use (I’m think our King Cock might be making an appearance!) or perhaps look back at the oldest ones you have. (Also, toys do die over time, if a toy’s got all manky, just throw it out and make some space!).

So perhaps you could pick a favourite toy each to play with, or maybe there’s some you’ve bought but never used, get them out now and, at the very least, TALK about them, why you got them in the first place, why you haven’t used them, and whether you should try them, now, or another time!

Something new

So, another fun activity is heading over to Lovehoney and just browsing different departments! As with all I recommend, try to do this in a completely positive way, no silly reactions to things your partner might be curious about. Laughing is great, pulling a face and looking disgusted, not so good! It’s just like fantasies, they are just curious, and wondering if you are curious too. So have an explore, laugh or scream at some of the crazy toys there are out there! Maybe even decide to try some! It’s so much easier when you realise you’re just trying them out and can send them back for free if you don’t like it.

Their special offers pages are always worth a look and they always have a Deal of the Day with an extra large discount.

The two for 25 is always a great place to bag a bargain in my experience, and the 3 for 10 deal are lots of cheap fun things, but handy for getting over the free delivery threshold!

Something borrowed, something blue?

Hmm,well maybe not, although the strap on I recommend is purple… And that’s what this section is. Some of the specific toys we’ve found most helpful for our chastity play together. Our personal recommendations and ones that you’d benefit from having if you’re enjoying this journey and are willing to try being a bit kinkier!


Lube, you need lube. If you don’t think you do, you’re wrong!

Lube for toys, especially butt plugs and big dildos, sure but we use by far the most for putting on him when edging him, and also for lubricating the cage.

Lovehoney’s Lube Selection

Best lube for handjobs and edging – Silicon Lubes (they are crazy slippery and last for ages

Silicon lubes are also best for applying to your age as they don’t react if it’s a plastic one and they stay slippery all night or all day.

Do NOT use water based lubes for these purposes, they just dry out and go sticky! Water based lubes are only really good for dildos/strap ons etc where they will be going in the woman as her natural lubrication keeps them from going sticky. Oh and for blowjobs, as they can be flavoured.


You either want small and powerful – ideally rechargable like these great Rocks Off brand ones.

Rocks Off Ignition

Or you want to go big and SUPER powerful, as with these wand type mains powered vibes. Don’t buy the classic Hitachi Wand though, it only has two, way too strong, power levels, try one of these instead.

Finally our most expensive, but very cool, vibrator is the WeVibe. This is just for me, and is a clever shape that goes on my clitoris and my g-spot at the same time. You can use it alone or during love making to add pressure and vibrations to your g-spot (feels amazing). But, the best feature… is it’s remote controlled, from ANYWHERE! So hubby can use the phone app to turn it on and off and change the patterns.

To say it’s useful for phone sex is something of an understatement. A friend told me they are all the rage in the armed forces for tours of duty apart, to the extent they tell each other they better get a We-vibe if they want to keep their woman!!!! lol

The We-Vibe 4 with remote control and phone App!!!

Butt plugs

We both like using these, but most designs are rubbish and painful to wear! Our favourite by far are these RollPlay ones with a ball inside that silently rolls around and keeps you aware you’re wearing it.

We haven’t dared try the large, medium and small do us fine!

For chastity play, they help keep him aroused and act like a catalyst for horniness in our experience.

He likes to make me wear them out to dinners so we have the shared secret of being naughty together. I have yet to make him wear one to a dinner but now I think of it…

Specific plugs to massage or stimulate the prostate are also interesting and in combination with a vibrator, as some of you may have found last night, can produce explosive results!


Covered this before in Locktober but under the bed restraints make light bondage an instant option. Nice comfy velcro strap make it a breeze to get either of us in or out of them, and tucked away out of sight with no hassle. A permanent fixture on our bed!

Strap ons

I’ve written at length about Why I Love our Strap-on – but in short, it’s a brilliant toy to combine with him being caged. He can wear it above his caged cock and so you can still have, much extended, love making sessions but he’s super horny and doesn’t cum, leave a mess in your or run out of libido until you are well and truly done.

I know, it sounds crazy kinky but this is so damn hot.

And of course, for the brave, the woman can wear it and use it on him for ‘pegging’. We’ll talk about this more but, if he’s really into chastity play already, it’s very, very VERY likely he’d at least gets turned on by the idea.

I wasn’t at all eager when he brought it up at first but actually, unlike all the silly captions, it can be very sensual indeed, and it’s genuinely how men are wired. They have a prostate gland that means they can cum from anal. Us women don’t! Seems a waste to not even try it…

The dildo that comes with the above recommended strap on is PERFECT for pegging if you are ever going to try it.

Leaving the best to last

Now my favourite toy, well, at least tied with my vibrators, is our King Cock Extra Girthy Dildo. It’s big, it’s really big, not crazy big but, yeah… And it looks and feels AMAZING.

I was scared the first time we opened this, but when I’m relaxed and ready, and it’s lubed, whether I used it, or he does, or he puts it on our strap on (because it is designed to easily go onto the one we recommended above) – it is mind blowing.

Just trust me on this, you want to get one.

I hope that’s been useful and not JUST sounded like some big sales pitch. Please feel free to visit Lovehoney or your favourite store directly if you object to us using affiliate links, we don’t make much off it but it all helps me justify the time I spend on this blog to hubby!

Either way, we live in a wonderful age where we have all these fun toys to enhance our sex life. Wherever you are with your exploration, I hope we have encouraged you to go a little further and have more fun together!

Jane xxx

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