Month: November 2018

He thought he was getting the best of the deal when he brought his beautiful young bride back from Asia.
But, just like her mother taught her, she convinced him to ‘try’ male chastity.
They’re both very happy with how it’s worked out.

“Oh god baby, do that finger thing, make me cum again, yes oh fuck, this feels SO much better than your cock!‘

His horny pleas were ignored. No unlocking until he got better at this…

The rose petals were a lovely touch, she liked all the new romantic efforts he was making.
But frankly nothing compared to how unbelievably good he’d got at oral sex since she’d caged his cock up.

She smiled as she remembered the early days of their relationship, when he used to take her somewhere and have her suck his cock, and that was that.
Oh how keeping his cock in a cage changed everything for the better!

The chastity clinics made it a legal obligation to get measured, and if you weren’t up to mandated size, get caged.
That the man’s wife was the one who ticked a box to decide what was the acceptable size was a bonus.