Tag: feedback

not to tell you how you ought to do things of course, but it seems like leaving him locked with no teasing or edging — while undoubtedly cruel and frustrating — might also spoil a lot of the fun for both of you?

You’re talking about the weekday lock up rule? It’s actually been great! In reality I’ve let him out maybe once during each week because I fancied it but it’s been nicely relaxing just knowing he’s caged up during the week and all horny and excited for the weekend. It’s not like I’m going without. We’ve…

I LOVE the development of this blog. You are turning into the go to source for the best of Tumblr and the best of ideas that can turn this fantasy into a workable reality for a loving couple. I am getting weak at the knees with some of the implications!

Aww that’s so lovely to hear! Thank you. I’m still trying to figure out how all the bells and whistles with this theme works but hopefully it’ll make it easier to access as I’ve written lots of good stuff already but it’s almost impossible to find! I keep getting messages asking if I’ve written a…