You recommendation of the girthy king cock was bang on. I was finally able to fit it (anal! 😳) yesterday. My goodness..! So big, so full but mind blowing! I can’t wait to try it again. Thank you!!

You recommendation of the girthy king cock was bang on. I was finally able to fit it (anal! 😳) yesterday. My goodness..! So big, so full but mind blowing! I can’t wait to try it again. Thank you!!

You recommendation of the girthy king cock was bang on. I was finally able to fit it (anal! 😳) yesterday. My goodness..! So big, so full but mind blowing! I can’t wait to try it again. Thank you!!

Wow, I haven’t even TRIED that in my bum! I do threaten hubby with it sometimes though, lol

But yes, it’s beautiful isn’t it!

King Cock Extra Girthy from Lovehoney

Goes brilliantly in their strap on which is currently on sale for just £20! (The dildo that comes with THAT is so nice too, and perfect for anal, for him or me).

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